Rösle Silence Stainless Steel Cookware
The name Silence says it all for this Rösle cookware series. The Silence collection's lids are made of shatterproof safety glass, surrounded by silicone, and fit tightly on the pots. Thanks to the silicone seal, aroma substances can escape less easily and remain in the food. Each lid is temperature-resistant up to 180°C. Upon request, all lids can be equipped with a thermometer, which we offer as an optional accessory for corresponding items.
The high-quality Rösle Silence stainless steel pot series is made of 18/10 stainless steel and has a encapsulated sandwich base with an aluminum core. The encapsulated base with a 5 mm aluminum core stores heat ideally and guarantees even distribution. Ergonomically shaped handles provide a secure grip. Each pot has an interior scaling. The cookware is suitable for all types of stoves: electric, ceramic, gas, induction, and oven.
Rösle Silence cookware is hygienic and tasteless. A circumferential pouring rim is used for drip-free pouring. All pots can be easily cleaned in the dishwasher.
For additional cleaning and care, we recommend the Rösle Stainless Steel Cleaner 0.5 L. The powerful Rösle cleaner is suitable for coated, brushed, polished, or smooth stainless steel and copper surfaces. It removes greasy deposits and cleans quickly and without streaks on cookware, cutlery, household utensils, jewelry, decorative items, or coins. The cleaner removes dirt, dust, greasy deposits, fingerprints, release agents, corrosion residues, soot, and more.
Rösle Silence is the Winner of the Red Dot Award: Product Design
With the handle design of the new pans from the "Stainless Steel Silence" series, Rösle is one of the winners of the Red Dot Award: Product Design 2016. The frying pans impressed the jury with innovative materials, a completely new silicone handle, and a stylish design. In particular, the silicone-coated long handle made of stainless steel, developed in-house at Rösle, has it all: it is temperature-resistant up to 260 degrees Celsius, has an ergonomic shape, feels warm to the touch, and offers additional comfort with a barely visible thumb recess - for left-handers as well as right-handers.
Für die zusätzliche Reinigung und Pflege empfehlen wir den Rösle Edelstahlreiniger 0,5 L. Der kraftvolle Rösle Reiniger ist für beschichtete, gebürstete, polierte oder glatte Edelstahl- und Kupfer-Oberflächen geeignet. Er entfettet angelaufene Stellen und reinigt schnell und ohne Streifen auf Kochgeschirr, Bestecken, Haushaltsutensilien, Schmuck, Dekoartikeln oder Münzen. Der Reiniger entfernt Schmutz, Staub, fettige Ablagerungen, Fingerabdrücke, Trennmittel, Korrosionsrückstände, Ruß u.v.m
Rösle Silence ist Gewinner des Red Dot Awards: Product Design
Mit dem Griff-Design der neuen Pfannen aus der „Edelstahl Silence“-Serie zählt Rösle zu den Gewinnern des Red Dot Award: Product Design 2016. Die Bratpfannen überzeugten die Jury mit innovativen Materialien, einem gänzlich neuen Silikon-Griff und formschöner Gestaltung. Insbesondere der im Hause Rösle entwickelte, silikonummantelte Langstielgriff aus Edelstahl hat es in sich: Er ist bis 260 Grad Celsius temperaturbeständig, hat eine ergonomische Form, liegt aufgrund seiner warm-anmutenden Haptik angenehm und sicher in der Hand und bietet mit einer kaum sichtbaren Mulde für den Daumen zusätzlichen Komfort – für Linkshänder ebenso wie für Rechtshänder.