The right knife for every challenge in the kitchen
It's like this: for every person there is a time before and after their first pocket knife. Whether you're a girl or a boy, everything changes after that. Suddenly, exciting worlds open up that need to be explored with new equipment. The same goes for good kitchen knives, as well as scissors. When it comes to slicing, chopping, or scraping, professional tools are needed.
- All-purpose knifenothing
- Asiatic blade shapesnothing
- Bread knife and saw knife.nothing
- Cheese knifenothing
- Chef's knifenothing
- Chopping knifenothing
- CleaverRobuste Hackmesser mit denen du auch Knochen durchtrennen kannst. Deba-Messer werden dafür im asiatischen Raum genutzt
- Deutsch: Ausbeinmesser und Filetiermesser Englisch: Boning knife and fillet knifeWe have compiled boning knives with very narrow blades and fillet knives for paring for you here.
- Knife setsnothing
- Meat knife, ham knife, and salmon knife.nothing
- Peeling knife and vegetable knife.nothing
- Pocket knife and folder.nothing
- Spickmesser and Officemesser.nothing
- Steak knives & table knivesnothing
What good are the best cooking ingredients if the hardware isn't in the same league? Just ask Four-Finger Joe. The quality differences are enormous, ranging from cheap stamped blades to hand-forged individual pieces. The shape and material you choose for your chef's knife depends on the planned place of use and the corresponding mission. Meat, poultry, bread, vegetables, fruit, or jungle trip? Butch has the right knife for every challenge that requires a blade made of hard steel or Damascus. We rely on international partners whose decades of experience are manifested in a good cut.
Our chef's knives - Have you ever tried to hammer a screw into the wall with a hammer? Of course not. Every craftsman knows: Only with suitable tools like a good quality kitchen knife can you work properly. We agree on that, don't we? So why - oh God oh God - mess around with a wrong blade on a wonderful piece of meat or crush a tomato with a dull knife? Massacre the fish for the grill with the vegetable knife because nothing else is at hand? Unthinkable! There are suitable kitchen helpers! Chef's knives and kitchen knives for every use! Here! Masterpieces of the art of forging from Japan and Solingen! Each knife a small work of art. Respect!
Hardly anyone knows this better than Rod Stewart: The first Cut is the deepest.