HORL 1993 Roll Sharpener
Sharpening knives has never been easier and more professional than with the HORL Roll Sharpener. Despite its unspectacular name, which sounds like a tool from a hardware store, this tool revolutionizes the topic of "knife sharpening". The classic method with a honing steel or sharpening stone is the king's way, but it requires the right technique and some practice. Without this know-how, achieving a satisfactory knife edge can be difficult. No prior knowledge is required for sharpening with the HORL Roll Sharpener - you can start right away and sharpen your knives gently and efficiently.
The creation of the HORL Roll Sharpener
The desire to find a new solution for the challenge of "knife sharpening" drove Otmar Horl to develop a suitable tool. He sat down in his workshop, tinkered around, and by the mid-90s, the prototype of the Roll Sharpener was ready. Progress really took off when his son Timo lent a hand to his father. The handling was made easier, the range of applications was expanded, and the appearance was refreshed a bit. These optimizations ultimately made the first version of the Roll Sharpener from the Freiburg family start-up company perfect. The very good experiences with the archetype prompted the Horls to further develop their Roll Sharpener. Currently, four different models of the HORL 1993 Roll Sharpener are available.
HORL 2 – the next generation
A tinkerer is always a tinkerer. And there is almost nothing good that couldn't be made a little better … The Horls had no intention of resting on their laurels, even though their roller sharpener had become a legendary sharpening tool in a very short time. The experiences with version 1 drove them to various improvements. This resulted in the second generation of the HORL roller sharpener, with these innovations:
- An improved friction wheel drive through press fitting and installed ball bearings
- Oval rubber rings for better guidance
- A ceramic honing disc with a fine grit of #1000, which replaces the stainless steel disc on two new models
- A magnetic sharpening guide with two sharpening angles of 15° and 20° on the HORL 2 and HORL 2 Pro
- Non-slip pads on the magnetic sharpening guide for secure hold of knives with wide and narrow blade edges
The HORL Models
There are now four different models from HORL, including the first type of roll sharpener. So you don't have to read a long text about the versions, here's the most important information in a short and clear form:
HORL 2 Cruise
The 2-piece set includes 1 roll sharpener and 1 magnetic sharpening guide:
Roll sharpener:
- - Grinding wheel: HORL diamond wheel standard / with a grain size of #420
- - Honing wheel: stainless steel standard
- - Grinding wheels are firmly mounted (not interchangeable)
- - Body: made of solid wood, painted chalk white
Magnetic sharpening guide:
- - with 20° degree sharpening angle & anti-slip pad
- - Body: made of solid wood, painted chalk white

The 2-piece set includes 1 roll sharpener and 1 magnetic sharpening guide:
Roll sharpener:
- - Grinding wheel: HORL diamond wheel standard / with a grain size of #420
- - Honing wheel: ceramic / with a grain size of #1000
- - Grinding wheel and honing wheel interchangeable
- - Body: made of solid oak or walnut
Magnetic sharpening guide:
- - with two sharpening angles: 15° and 20° & anti-slip pad
- - Body: made of solid oak or walnut

HORL 2 Pro
The 2-piece set includes 1 roller grinder and 1 magnetic grinding guide:
Roller grinder:
- - Gear planetary gear with a ratio of 1:3 for even faster grinding results
- - Grinding wheel: HORL diamond wheel standard / with a grain size of #420
- - Honing wheel: ceramic / with a grain size of #1000
- - Grinding wheel and honing wheel interchangeable
- - Body: made of anodized aluminum, bronze-colored
Magnetic grinding guide:
- - with two grinding angles: 15° and 20° & anti-slip pad
- - Body: made of anodized aluminum, bronze-colored

The Functionality
Simply put: The HORL Roll Sharpener ensures top-notch sharpness for your knives. Period. And the handling is incredibly easy. Thanks to the ingenious friction wheel drive, only the grinding wheels rotate while you securely hold the handle roller in your hand and concentrate on guiding the roll sharpener.
In the basic version of the HORL 2, you have two different discs available for sharpening: The diamond-coated grinding side with a grit of #420 removes material from the blade and restores sharpness to the knives. On the opposite side, there is a ceramic honing disc with a grit of #1000. This fine grit ensures less material removal and polishes your knives at the same time.
Each 2-piece set includes the magnetic sharpening guide. This differs depending on the model: The HORL 2 and HORL 2 PRO come with a double-sided sharpening guide, with a sharpening angle of 15° on one side and 20° on the opposite side. The basic model HORL 2 Cruise comes with a single-sided sharpening guide with a 20° angle. With the 20° sharpening angle, knife blades receive a stable sharpness for daily use. The 15° sharpening angle provides a delicate sharpness for very fine blades made of high-quality Damascus steel or carbon steel. Strong neodymium magnets and an anti-slip pad securely hold the knives during the sharpening process, regardless of whether the knives have a wide or narrow blade.
The Accessories
Since the diamond grinding side may be too coarse for very finely sharpened blades, HORL also offers accessories for these special blades. Instead of the regular grinding discs, the optional corundum grinding discs with grits of #3000 and #6000 can be quickly and easily screwed on. These grinding discs are highly recommended, especially for Japanese knives. In addition, there is a HORL honing leather made of genuine cowhide with a rough and a fine side for the final polish.
How to sharpen with the roller sharpener
In short, it's very easy and foolproof. Find a flat surface like a worktop, a cutting board or a table, place the knife with the blade back down on the surface and attach the sharpening guide to the blade approximately in the middle.
Now hold the handle firmly and place the roller sharpener on the blade. Now slide the roller sharpener back and forth with light pressure. Please make sure that the entire cutting edge is sharpened, all the way to the tip. Repeat the same procedure on the other side and you're done.
We cannot answer the question "How often?" from a distance. It depends on how dull or sharp your knives were before and how finely you want to polish them. In normal cases, however, a maximum of 10 movements are more than sufficient.
Die Funktionsweise
Ganz einfach gesagt: Der HORL Rollschleifer sorgt für die hochkarätige Schärfe deiner Messer. Punkt. Und die Handhabung ist denkbar einfach. Dank des genialen Reibrad-Antriebs drehen sich nur die Schleifscheiben, während du die Griffrolle sicher in der Hand halten und dich auf das Führen des Rollschleifers konzentrieren kannst.
In der Version des HORL 3 stehen dir zwei verschiedene Scheiben zum Schärfen zur Verfügung: Die diamantbeschichtete Schleifseite mit einer Körnung von #400 trägt Material von der Klinge ab und bringt den Messern ihre Schärfe zurück. Auf der gegenüberliegenden Seite befindet sich eine Keramik-Abziehscheibe mit einer Körnung von #1000. Diese feine Körnung sorgt für einen geringeren Materialabtrag und poliert deine Messer gleichzeitig.
In jedem 2-teiligen Set enthalten ist die magnetische Schleiflehre. Diese unterscheidet sich je nach Modell (siehe bitte detaillierte Produktbeschreibung oben). Mit dem 20° Schleifwinkel erhalten Messerklingen eine stabile Schärfe für den täglichen Gebrauch. Der 15° Schleifwinkel sorgt bei sehr feinen Klingen aus hochwertigem Damaststahl oder Kohlenstoffstahl für eine filigrane Schärfe. Starke Neodym-Magnete und ein Grip-Pad halten die Messer beim Schleifvorgang sicher fest, ganz gleich, ob Messer mit breitem oder schmalem Klingenblatt.
Das Zubehör
Da die Diamant-Schleifseite für sehr fein geschliffene Klingen etwas zu grob sein könnte, bietet HORL alternativ auch Zubehör für diese speziellen Klingen an. Anstelle der regulären Schleifscheiben lassen sich schnell und einfach die optional erhältlichen Edelkorund-Schleifscheiben mit den Körnungen #3000 und #6000 aufschrauben. Für eine Rasiermesser-Schärfe empfehlen wir dir die Keramik-Schleifscheibe Kagami mit einer Körnung von #9000. Gerade für japanische Messer sind diese Schleifscheiben sehr zu empfehlen. Zusätzlich gibt es ein HORL-Abziehleder aus echtem Rindsleder mit einer rauen und einer feinen Seite für die finale Politur.
So schärfst du mit dem Rollschleifer
Kurz gesagt, ganz einfach und narrensicher. Such dir eine gerade Oberfläche wie eine Arbeitsplatte, ein Schneidbrett oder einen Tisch, lege das Messer mit dem Klingenrücken nach unten auf die Oberfläche und befestige die Schleiflehre ungefähr mittig an der Klinge.
Halte jetzt den Griff fest und platziere den Rollschleifer an der Klinge. Nun schiebst du den Rollschleifer mit leichtem Druck vor- und rückwärts. Achte bitte darauf, dass die komplette Schneide geschliffen wird, bis hin zur Spitze. Die gleiche Prozedur wiederholst du auf der anderen Seite und fertig.
Die Frage „Wie oft?“ können wir aus der Ferne nicht beantworten. Das hängt davon ab, wie stumpf oder scharf deine Messer vorher waren und wie fein du sie polieren möchtest. Im Normalfall sind aber maximal 10 Bewegungen mehr als ausreichend.