De Buyer Kasserollen
Die Kasserolle stammt aus unserem schönen Nachbarland Frankreich und heißt übersetzt soviel wie Topf (französisch: casserole). Einige meinen, der Begriff stamme sogar aus dem Altfranzösischen, und er entspräche einem „großen Löffel“. Nun sei es drum. Alle hier angebotenen de Buyer Kasserollen stammen, wie auch der Name, aus Frankreich und stehen für absolut herausragende Qualität.
Grundsätzlich spricht man bei den Kasserollen entweder von einem flachen Topf mit 2 Henkeln oder einem flachen Topf mit Stiel. Und hier wären wir auch schon bei unserem eigentlichen Thema. Die hier angebotenen de Buyer Stielkasserollen eignen sich zum Braten, Schmoren (natürlich mit einem Deckel), zum Reduzieren von Soßen sowie zum Erwärmen von Speisen.
Properties and Uses of de Buyer Sauce Pans
The versatile de Buyer sauce pans are made of various high-quality materials such as aluminum, iron, cast iron, copper, or stainless steel. The majority of all sauce pans are made entirely of metal, making them oven-safe for tasks such as gratinizing or roasting. All de Buyer sauce pans are also used in the professional high-end kitchen, ensuring even heat distribution and consistent cooking temperatures. Some are even induction-compatible and can be used on all types of stovetops. Due to the high-quality materials, it is important to follow the dishwasher and stove suitability instructions provided in the product details.
The high sides of the de Buyer sauce pans make it easy to toss sauces comfortably. All sauce pans have a long handle and pour out excellently on both sides without spilling, making them easy to operate with one hand. The choice of leading hand is irrelevant. Those looking for a sauce pan with a pouring spout will find the de Buyer Choc Extreme series to be the perfect fit. The de Buyer Choc Extreme series is made of aluminum die-casting and is equipped with a durable non-stick coating, allowing for gentle frying without or with very little fat. The sauce pan can also be used as a frying pan, particularly for small dishes, as a substitute for a pan. All sauce pans are sold without lids, but matching lids for the sauce pans are also available in all sizes. The diameters of the de Buyer sauce pans range from 9 cm to 28 cm.