Finally order in the kitchen

A typical everyday situation: You want to cook a great dish for yourself and your loved ones. The meat is frying and you start with the sauce. You decide to make it creamier with the help of a roux. Said and done... Now fry the melted butter with the flour using a whisk, then deglaze with hot water. You open your kitchen drawer and want to get the whisk, which you can't find. Where is it? Panic!

That's not how it should be. As you know, Butch can solve this problem. Thanks to our kitchen rails with wall mounting, there will be order in your kitchen from now on. You can place these rails from Rösle's OFFENE KÜCHE range on the wall as you like. They can also be expanded by invisibly connecting the kitchen rails, which have different lengths.

If you think that milk cans are OUT, you are mistaken.

With the can in hand to the farmer or the merchant... A typical everyday situation in grandma's times and therefore indispensable. They were used as a means of transport for fresh milk. Those were moments. Nowadays, it's almost unimaginable. We deliberately say ALMOST... Milk cans are gaining popularity again. Let's take organic milk, for example. One could think that the old times are coming back. It is no longer uncommon for people to go to the farmer to get their milk there. Today, even soup is transported in it, or of course cold and hot drinks as well. Take a look at our favorites from Riess, enamel cans from grandma's times. Aren't they a real eye-catcher? But that's not all... We have listed more advantages for you.

  • We offer milk cans in different filling quantities and beautiful colors:
  • They are tasteless and odorless as well as cut and scratch resistant.
  • The robust, glass-hard surface guarantees a long service life, as it is also acid and alkali resistant.
  • The cans are equipped with a tight-fitting plastic lid, so that nothing happens during transport in the car.
  • They can be used for heating directly on the stove, as they are heat-resistant up to 450 degrees.

The times when supplies were stored lovelessly in the kitchen shelf are fortunately over

What could be worse than opening the kitchen drawer and seeing all kinds of open food like flour, cornflakes or sugar? It's best if one of them has fallen over and made a big mess. You could say "STOP" at this point if you want to own the stainless steel storage containers from Rösle. Thanks to these containers, there is order in the drawer or shelf again and the food can be used for longer. The smaller ones are ideal for herbs and spices. For storage or for storing cooked food, we recommend the larger storage containers. But those are not the only advantages. Let's take a closer look...

  • The storage lids are made of shatterproof glass with a silicone rim. This silicone adapts to the container wall and seals airtight. As a result, the food does not emit any odors and does not absorb any foreign ones.
  • Stainless steel is tasteless, durable and easy to clean. A big plus: they are dishwasher safe.
  • Thanks to the storage containers, your food supply is stored for a long time and, above all, protected from moths.
  • Due to the flat lid, they can be stacked perfectly and are therefore very space-saving.

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Die Zeiten, in denen Vorräte lieblos im Küchenregal lagerten, sind zum Glück vorbei

Was gibt es schlimmeres als die Küchenschublade zu öffnen und lauter offene Lebensmittel wie Mehl, Cornflakes oder Zucker zu sehen? Am besten ist eines davon umgefallen und hat eine große Sauerei hinterlassen. Du könntest an dieser Stelle „STOP“ sagen, wenn du die Frischhaltedosen aus Edelstahl von der Firma Rösle dein Eigen nennen möchtest. Dank dieser Dosen herrscht in der Schublade oder im Regal wieder Ordnung und die Lebensmittel können länger verwendet werden. Die kleineren sind ideal für Kräuter und Gewürze. Als Vorratsbehälter oder auch für die Aufbewahrung von gegarten Speisen empfehlen wir dir die größeren Frischhaltedosen. Das sind aber nicht die einzigen Vorteile. Sehen wir doch einmal weiter...

  • Die Frischhaltedeckel bestehen aus einem bruchfesten Glas mit Silikonumrandung. Dieses Silikon passt sich der Gefäßwand an und verschließt luftdicht. Dadurch sondern die Lebensmittel keine Gerüche ab und nehmen keine fremde an.
  • Edelstahl ist geschmacksneutral, langlebig und einfach zu reinigen. Großer Pluspunkt: Sie sind spülmaschinengeeignet.
  • Dank der Frischhaltedosen wird dein Lebensmittelvorrat lange haltbar und vor allem mottensicher aufbewahrt.
  • Durch den flachen Deckel lassen sie sich perfekt stapeln und sind daher sehr platzsparend.